Psychic team of 10 psychics answer your question Psychic Medium Kelly Palmatier leads a team of ten psychics working simultaneously to answer your one question.

Your Psychic Team Collaborates

I am excited to introduce a very special offer where Channeling White Light is collaborating with an entire psychic team working simultaneously on your behalf, allowing you to ask one question and get an answer in writing from ten different psychics!

Will 100% of the psychics see the same thing, or will they pick up on different nuances to your situation? Think of how beneficial it will be to get nine out of ten YES answers on your new business venture. Seeking information on stock choices may never be the same! If the best psychics are typically 80 to 90% accurate, having answers from ten psychics should give a strong prediction that isn’t at the mercy of whether one psychic is having an unclear connection to the energy, or just a bad day in general.

You can choose to get answers from ten psychics ($280) or only five ($220):

  • Ten Psychics Answer One Question - $280

    Submit your one question and payment of $280, and within five business days or sooner, we will email you a video clip of Psychic Medium Kelly Palmatier answering your question, along with brief written answers by nine other psychics for comparison purposes.

    Ten psychics will answer your one question in writing.
  • Five Psychics Answer One Question - $220

    Submit your one question and payment of $220, and within five business days or sooner, we will email you a video clip of Psychic Medium Kelly Palmatier answering your question, along with brief written answers by four other psychics for comparison purposes.

    Five psychics will answer one question in writing.

After you've submitted your payment, you may contact us to submit your question, or we will contact you within one business day to get your question and get the psychics working on it. Thanks!

If you would like to give a little background about your situation for context before asking your question, that’s fine. Whatever information you provide will be given verbatim to each psychic on the team. It’s fine if you’d like to include a first name of anyone involved, but please don’t provide more than a paragraph of additional information, and don’t include anything that is sensitive data or able to be Googled.

Any questions that include a defined time limit will be adjusted accordingly, as time is tricky on an energetic level. For example, we will not ask our psychic team to see if your ex will reach out to you by the end of the week. Many factors influence the path of probability, and a few days in one direction or the other may be hard to pick up on energetically. Such a question would be adjusted to ask if your ex will reach out to you in the near future.

Questions about what should or should not be done can be tricky, since there are lots of different perceptions, making this type of guidance relative to what each reader may feel. A better question is to focus on what serves highest good.

Ideal Ways to Word Your Question

Questions may include a yes or no component, but should allow room for more thorough, nuanced answers. For example, compare the questions below:

Is my ex going to come back to me? Is my partner cheating on me?
These questions have a low frequency that is trying to box in an answer.

Better questions are these:
What insight can you offer regarding my relationship with my ex? What can you tell me about the trustworthiness or suitability of my partner?

Schedule an Appointment

There are times I book up quickly, so please go ahead and book your appointment now.

Click here to schedule an appointment.